The Missouri Kansas Laborers' District CouncilThe Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA – www.liuna.org) is one of the most progressive and strongest unions in the country. Over 500,000 members, LIUNA is the eighth largest labor organization in America, representing a skilled and diverse workforce. Laborers are construction workers, government workers, health care providers, industrial employees, service workers, and educators.
Local Union Members
Covering Counties
The LIUNA Midwest Region (www.midwestlaborers.org) provides resources of the International Union to assist 75 Local Unions and 7 District Councils across Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas and South Dakota. Headquartered in Springfield, Illinois, the Midwest Regional Office administers a variety of programs to assist the Region’s 58,000 Local Union members.
The Missouri Kansas Laborers’ District Council (MKLDC) plays a vital role, as a part of the LIUNA Midwest Region. The MKLDC represents Missouri and Kansas, 13 Locals covering 219 counties plus the City of St. Louis, and has a membership of over 13,000. The council’s core responsibility is to ensure a safe working environment, to deliver a skilled workforce, to ensure all labor laws are followed and is the lead negotiator for all Missouri Kansas Laborers’ contracts.
The MKLDC also assists and promotes the union’s three joint labor-management programs (Tri-Funds), the Laborers-AGC Education and Training Fund, the Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust, and the Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund of North America.
Through the Laborers-AGC Education and Training Fund (www.laborers-highhill.org), MKLDC has a state-of-the-art training center that educates Laborers in basic and specialized construction skills. The Training Center also administers the union’s Apprenticeship Program for new members of the union.
The Missouri Kansas Laborers’ District Council Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust (LECET – www.molecet.org) works with union-signatory construction contractors to promote the benefits of union construction and to increase the market share of union contractors.
The Midwest Region Laborers’ Health and Safety Fund (www.mrlhsf.org) was created in 1999 to protect the health and welfare of Laborers. Through education, training, and promotion of personal health and job safety, the Fund protects both contractors and members alike. The Midwest Region Organizing Committee (www.mrocnow.org), in conjunction with MKLDC, helps bring new members throughout Missouri and Kansas into the Laborers Union by assisting workers to achieve the benefits of collective bargaining and union representation.
The Missouri Foundation for Fair Contracting (MFFC) works to protect the interests of workers and contractors employed on publicly funded construction projects. By monitoring these projects, the MFFC ensures that all applicable state and federal laws are enforced, creating a level playing field in the construction industry.
Missouri Kansas Laborers' District Council
Kansas City Office
4731 S Cochise Suite #114
Independence MO 64055
Phone: 816-523-1919
Missouri Kansas Laborers' District Council
Wentzville Office
951 Corporate Parkway
Wentzville, MO 63385
Phone: 314-739-7270
Construction Industry Laborers' Welfare/Pension Fund
Laborers' Benefit Office
12200 North Ambassador Drive Suite 400
Kansas City, MO 64163-1258
Toll Free: 833-479-9429
Phone: 816-777-2669
St. Louis Benefit Office
Laborers' Benefit Office
2357 59th Street
St. Louis MO 63110
Phone: 314-644-2777
Construction Laborers and Contractors Training Fund of Eastern MO
High Hill Council
35 Opportunity Road
High Hill, MO 63350
Training Center Phone: 636-585-2391
Apprentice Phone: 636-585-1500
Laborers’ Fringe Benefit Funds
Construction Industry Laborers’ Training Fund of Western MO & KS
Willard R. Wilkinson Training Center
21201 South Mullen Road
Belton, MO 64012
Phone: 816-331-6862
Greater Kansas City Laborers’ Training Fund
8944 Kaw Drive
Kansas City, KS 66111
Phone: 913-441-6100
Kansas Building Trades Open End Health & Welfare Fund
P.O. Box 5168
Topeka, KS 66605
Toll Free: 800-432-3595
Phone: 785-267-0140
The Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA - www.liuna.org) is one of the most progressive and strongest unions in the country. Over 500,00, LIUNA is the eighth largest labor organization in America, representing a skilled and diverse workforce.